If you have lost your password, please read this entire article as there is very important information regarding the associated encryption key and restorability of data. Changing a password DOES NOT necessarily change an encryption key. Without knowledge of the actual encryption key it is IMPOSSIBLE to restore data. We do not store or have access to encryption keys unless they were explicitly given to us.
Password vs. Encryption Key:
First, it is important to understand the difference between a password and encryption key and how they are associated. The login password is initially setup at the time the backup account is created. By default, new backupsets receive an encryption key which is the same as the account's login password. When a password is changed, existing encryption keys are NOT changed in most circumstances. The only way to change an encryption key is to create a new backupset and re-upload all data. This is because every file is individually encrypted.
Scenario 1 (lost password, but same computer with existing installation of ocBackup Manager):
In this case, it will be possible to retrieve the current encryption key and password, but it is important that you follow ALL the steps below.
1) Use this link to get a hashed version of the login password via email: Provide your username or email address on file and an email will be sent to the email addresses on file with the login password in a hashed format which will look something like this: XeO9nAWlB0wer4JHk1UXnA== (if you are having a hard time with this step, see 'Other Information' below.
2) Copy and paste the hashed password into the software login screen. You will be asked to provide a new password immediately. DONT STOP HERE... At this point you will have a new password for the account, but the encryption key for existing backup sets will remain the same as the previous password.
3) In the software, enter the 'settings', click on the 'encryption' tab for an existing backupset, and then remove the check mark for "mask encryption key". This will display the encryption key for this backupset which should also be the original password.
4) We recommend changing your account password back to the original password (same as the encryption key). To change the login password this time, close the settings, open the 'Account Profile' and click on 'Change' button next to the password and follow the prompts. If this step is not done, existing backupsets will continue to use the original encryption key, and new backupsets will use the new login password as the encryption key. In this case the account has at least 2 encryption keys.
5) If it is desired to keep the new password instead, the only way to change the encryption key for existing backup sets is to create new backupsets and re-upload all data. After the new backupsets are uploaded, remove the old backupsets. At this point the login and encryption keys should all be the same as the new password.
Scenario 2 (lost password and no computer is available which previously had ocBackup Manager installed):
In this case, it is NOT possible to retrieve the encryption key, but it is possible to gain access to the account. It is critical that once access to the account is gained, all backupsets need to be re-created and re-uploaded. All old backupsets should be deleted as there is NO way to restore any data from them.
1) Use this link to get a hashed version of the login password via email: Provide your username or email address on file and an email will be sent to the email addresses on file with the login password in a hashed format which will look something like this: XeO9nAWlB0wer4JHk1UXnA== (if you are having a hard time with this step, see 'Other Information' below.
2) Copy and paste the hashed password into the software login screen. You will be asked to provide a new password immediately.
3) Re-Create all backupsets. Verify on the encryption tab that the encryption key is as expected.
3) Delete all original backupset (you may want wait until each backupset has been re-created and finished uploading from the previous step)
-- A lost encryption key CAN NOT be recovered from our servers.
-- Data cannot be restored with the hashed version of the encryption key.
-- Encryption keys may or may not be the same as the login password.
-- We are NOT responsible for encryption keys or the restorability of data as a result of a lost encryption key.
-- Login names, login passwords and encryption keys are ALL CASE SENSITIVE
Other information:
If you have the wrong email address on file, or you cannot remember your username or email address when requesting a lost password, you will need to contact us so we can help you identify your account.
If you have multiple accounts associated with the same email address, the system will send you the first one it finds; therefore you should use the username if possible when requesting a lost password.
At your request, we will store encryption keys for you in our database. While we will take every reasonable precaution to preserve and protect an encryption key entrusted to us, we make no guarantees in any way shape or form related to the security of data, or the restorability of data for which we are storing an encryption key for.
Please contact us with any questions related to this topic. There are many conditions that may exist and this article may not have covered them. It is very important to make sure your data is recoverable.
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